What is Mindvalley Mentoring with Vishen Lakhiani
Everything you need to know about Mindvalley Mentoring with Vishen Lakhiani.
- Getting Started: Account Setup, Accessing Programs &Troubleshooting
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- Payments, Refunds, Referrals & Cancellations
- Mindvalley Free Masterclasses
- Online Programs: Quests and Series
- Mindvalley Membership
- Mindvalley Mentoring
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- Lifebook
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- Mindvalley Mastery Programs
- Mindvalley States

Mindvalley Mentoring hosted by Vishen Lakhiani is a leading-edge online training from the world’s best teachers, thinkers, and visionaries.
This gives you access to the formerly-known Consciousness Engineering collection of brain exchanges with Vishen and his mentors. You will be following Vishen on his quest of collecting the best wisdom, knowledge and practices from the greatest minds in the world.
In each training, you will be able to model some of the world's top minds by going deeper into:
Their beliefs about life and the world. We call these “Models of Reality”.
Their daily habits which create their success. We call these “Systems for Living”.
Mindvalley Films:
Watch exclusive, beautifully produced documentaries that explore today’s most important ideas, issues and emerging trends in the Mindvalley community - including the Emmy Award-nominated Live Your Quest. We release a new Mindvalley film on average every 8 months. These are a bonus to your regular Mentoring episodes and bring together multiple Mindvalley authors on a common theme.
Impact At Work
Impact at Work is our professional growth platform where you’ll join our host Jason Campbell in monthly training with the most brilliant professionals and entrepreneurs on the planet, so you can take their disruptive strategies, mindset shifts and daily rituals, and use them to rise to the top of your own game in your professional career.
We used to call Mentoring Plus by the name Mindvalley Tribe Membership, so if you previously bought Mindvalley Tribe Membership you already will have access to everything. Mindvalley Mentoring Plus was discontinued Aug 2020 for new subscribers. We are currently only offer Mindvalley Mentoring.
Read stories on how Mindvalley Mentoring impacted lives!
If you're new to Mindvalley and would like to join in these trainings and over 60+ other programs, you can do so by becoming a Mindvalley Membership subscriber and follow the instructions to download the Mindvalley App here.