How to Unsubscribe from Masterclass
If you can't attend our Masterclass screening, here’s how to unsubscribe.
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You registered for one of our free masterclasses but cannot make it at the specified time or do not want to participate?
No worries, you don't have to personally cancel the masterclass. You also do not have to notify us if you can't make it to a specific screening.

If you would like to unsubscribe from the notification emails about this masterclass, you just need to scroll to the end of the Masterclass email and click on the "Stop receiving notification for this webinar".

This link will take you to a page where you need to hit the unsubscribe. Click on the check box and then click on "Save My Preference" to confirm.

If you would like to watch it at another time.
We will also send you the replay link 48 hours after the webinar is over.
In case you missed that too, here is a page that will help!
To contact our Customer Support Team, please use channels such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner of the page.