Creating Transformations
Your one-stop guide
- Getting Started: Account Setup, Accessing Programs &Troubleshooting
- Manage Your Account
- Payments, Refunds, Referrals & Cancellations
- Mindvalley Free Masterclasses
- Online Programs: Quests and Series
- Mindvalley Membership
- Mindvalley Mentoring
- Mindvalley Community
- Mindvalley Events
- Lifebook
- Mindvalley Coach
- Mindvalley Certifications
- Mindvalley Mastery Programs
- Mindvalley States
Where to Find the Quest?
Go to your Mindvalley account and click on “Programs”

Scroll down to find the Quest and click on “Learn More”

You can choose to payment plan that works the best for you:

Once your purchase is complete, a Mindvalley account will be automatically created. Just login to your account on Mindvalley Homepage with the same email that you used to purchase the quest.
- All the details related to the login process is mentioned in the provided links , go through the below links for any query related to login
Where are my login details
How to log in to your account
If you still can't find Creating Transformations anywhere, please make sure you didn't sign up with another email, other than the one you're logged into your account. If that's the case, please login with the correct email address.
- Login into your Mindvalley Account
- Go to the “ My Programs “ Tab

- Scroll down to My Programs and click on “All my programs”

- Then select " Creating Transformations "

Go through the following articles to know more about how to start a quest, when the lessons get unlocked
How to start and access your quest
When would my content be unlocked
How to join our Community?
Join us on Facebook and be a part of an amazing community that grows together:
Follow these steps to get added to the community
- Once you click on “Begin Quest ”, you will be redirected to a page that has all your lessons waiting for you.The page has a “Community” Tab. Click on the link and you will be directed to the Facebook group where the community is currently hosted.

- Click on the Join Group Tab on Facebook
- Enter the Passphrase and your request will be sent to the admins to join the group.
- Approval to join the group usually takes between 1-2 business days.
- Start sharing your experiences with the Community

To contact our Customer Support Team, please use channels such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner of the page.