How can I cancel or refund my subscriptions?
Everything you need to know about cancelling your subscriptions and receiving a refund if you are eligible.
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Here are the steps:
Go to your Profile picture, click on My Account.
Click on the Billing Section of your Mindvalley Account.
You can view all your "Active subscriptions" as shown below.
If your subscription is still within 15 days of the purchase date, you will be given the option to cancel and receive a refund.
If your subscription is no longer eligible for a refund, you will only see the option to cancel. To learn more about our refund policies, click HERE
Once you click the "Refund and Cancel" button, you have the option to "Cancel Subscription" (keep benefits until the next billing cycle) or "Refund & Cancel Subscription".
After you select "Refund & Cancel Subscription" you will be asked for your reason. Please select the most accurate response.
Now, you have successfully refunded back your purchase. It will usually take 7 - 14 business days to reflect back to your account.
What if I am not eligible for a refund but still wish to cancel?
You can still cancel your subscription through your "Billing section" to avoid any future charges and here are the steps:
Click on the subscription you wish to cancel, as shown below.
After you click "Cancel" you will be asked why you are cancelling. Please select the most accurate response.
Once you've chosen the most accurate response, a pop-up notification will appear asking you to re-confirm your cancellation request, click "Yes, please cancel" to proceed.
Your subscription has now been successfully cancelled.
To contact our Customer Support Team, please use channels such as WhatsApp, iMessage, or by clicking on the chat widget in the bottom right corner of the page.